Code Your Future Success

Join Our Platform and Unlock Your Tech Potential

What is Cramming by Arlarse?

Our platform offers comprehensive programming courses, with real-time feedback on incorrect code submissions, and exciting coding projects to help you put your skills into practice.

Learn from anywhere, anytime

No installation required, our platform runs entirely in your browser

Get plenty of hands-on practice

Our mix of question types, designed to help you master the technology

Boost your coding skills

Our exciting projects helps you to get ready for real-world challenges

New Features to Unlock



Active Users

Github Integration

Seamlessly connect your project code to Github

Our new integration allows you to easily manage your project on github, right from our platform



Active Users

IDE Integration

Experience the power of JupyterLab

Our new IDE allows you to work on a wide range of tech projects with ease and efficiency, all in one place

First 500 active users will get 15 free days of our platform